JULY: English & Nature

In July: English & Nature for children.
A different and very effective way to learn.
They are so enthusiastic they are bursting to express themselves. They don’t stop talking.
We have a great time! So what do we do?
Games and learning activities outdoors (sack races, Simon Says)
Walks to talk about our surroundings. Planting seeds. Identifying animal tracks…
Describing where and how wild animals live in our área.
Looking after the animals on our farm: Feeding them and collecting eggs.
We’ll learn to take care of horses, dogs, cats and chickens.
We are surrounded by wild birds whose nests and behaviour we can easily watch.
Location: The activities are held at our house which has 1 hectare of land in Esplús. C/ Lérida.
Duration: 3 weeks – usually the last three of July (to confirm)
Day and Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10 to 12. (Half an hour longer per class)
Total Price per child: 75€ (Total 12h). You can do a part of the course.
This isn’t studying. It’s learning. When the course is over they don’t want to leave…or they want to take the animals with them!